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Krumme Gurken

guerrilla juice

guerrilla juice

Regular price €21,48 EUR
Regular price Sale price €21,48 EUR
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Guerrilla Juice 500 ml – Powered by BioTabs

Organic Guerrilla Juice 5-1-5 is a liquid organic growth and flowering booster that helps you create healthy soil and optimal growing conditions.

Guerrilla juice contains alfalfa flour, molasses, potash, silicon oxide and fine rock particles as a basis for micronutrients.

For best results, combine guerrilla juice with beneficial soil bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi such as BACTREX and MYCOTREX

Dilute 10 ml of guerrilla juice with 1 liter of water.

Water the plants from week 4 after planting and then once a week with this solution.

Totally organic product certified by "Control Union".

Guerillajuice is part of the BioTabs 'Organic Growing Method'. For detailed instructions and how to get the most out of BioTabs products, we recommend reading the BioTabs 'Organic Growing' guide.

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